flocking kit for decoys
flocking kit for decoys
Flocking for Decoys | eBay.CANADA GOOSE DECOY FLOCKING KIT FOR 100. - eBay.
decoy flocking in the Andy's Directory.
Snow/Blue Goose Flocking Kits - Welcome to Fowl Flocker Decoy.
The decoy comes in a magnum size (18") and is fully flocked, with colors so .. COST ; Fully Flocked Higdon Mallards $ 200 per doz Flocking kit.
flocking kit for decoys
New fully flocked Higdon Mallard floater : Kansas Duck Hunting.
The only thing that looks more natural than a flocked head is the real thing. Kit contains enough material to flock 30 heads to give your decoys rich, deeply.
Crow Flocking Kit, $9.95. Click Here for Product Details! This kit will flock the black of 12 complete standard size crow decoys. This kit comes with 4 oz Black.
GHG FFD Elite Flocking Kits Now you can get the same great flocking used on GHG FFD Elite goose decoys! Features: Great for flocking decoys or to touch up.
Flocking - Ducks Unlimited.
This kit will flock the black of 100 complete heads or 100 - 160 tails on standard size decoys, or touch up the black on upto 400 decoys heads. This kit comes.
Sep 24, 2011. I was reading on these flocking kits.. Plus if you get enough flocking you can also do the tail feathers on the decoys. Iowa_Ducks is offline.
50 items. Find best value and selection for your AVERY GREENHEAD GEAR.
AVERY GREENHEAD GEAR GHG TAN FLOCKING KIT GOOSE DECOYS! in Sporting Goods, Outdoor Sports, Hunting | eBay.
$25.00. Buy It Now. 10 - 1 oz Packages of Flocking You Choose Your Colors. $18.95. Buy It Now. Goose Decoy Flocking Kit with White for Cheeks for 25. $14.95.
Greenhead Gear Fowl Flocker Decoy Elite Flocking Kit | Scheels.
Decoy Direct Flocking Kit review | Gear/Equipment Test. Jules Whicker tries a decoy flocking kit from specialists, Decoydirect.com. www.gunmart.ne.